
pp电子, students are asked to participate in a structu红色的 dress and personal appearance code. This code is designed to promote school identity and to respect the individual dignity and uniqueness of each person. The dress and personal appearance code stress uniformity and personal modesty in school attire appropriate to learning.

当一个学生在pp电子注册时, there is an awareness and understanding that individual dress has specific restrictions, and that violation or misinterpretation of the uniform will result in disciplinary action, 这可能包括转介或被排除在班级之外. The uniform is officially enforced during school hours while a student is in the building. Parents are conside红色的 to be partners with administrators and teachers in enforcing the “Code for the Personal Appearance of Students” and have a responsibility to check their child’s appearance before they leave home. 

在学校活动中, students should remember that they are responsible for the good name of pp电子 at all times and their appearance should reflect good taste and appropriate attire. The following regulations on dress and personal appearance are created to help motivate a student to develop habits of neatness, 订单, 清洁, 适合各种场合的着装. Deviation in dress, hairstyle, or appearance violates this personal appearance and dress code. 学生在任何时候都必须遵守着装规范.


*APPROPRIATE CLOTHING: (These standards apply to normal school day dress-up or dress-down days.) Students are not permitted to wear any clothing containing advertisements or references to any tobacco, 药物, 或者酒精产品. 任何衣物不得含有任何符号, 词, or phrase conveying a message or theme inconsistent with pp电子 community’s perception of the Gospel and traditions of the Catholic Church.

衣着不规范的学生将被记过. School wide dress code checks will take place throughout the school year.

请注意:这是2023-24年修订后的着装规定. 这项政策可能会改变. 


应穿卡其色(棕褐色)长裤. 穿裤子时必须系腰带. 裤子 must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. 带标志的裤子, 补丁的口袋, 后口袋铆钉, 撕裂和眼泪, 或任何形式的设计是不允许的. 禁止穿灯芯绒、工装裤、慢跑裤和牛仔裤.  

Lake Catholic approved Glen plaid skirt (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee) purchased through Schoolbelles. 不允许穿过小、过大或卷裙. 裙子是一种特权, not a right; repeated violations will result in the removal of skirts from daily dress code. 

绿色长袖或短袖马球衫, 灰色或白色, 带有湖天主教标志的. 



尺寸过小和过大的马球禁止使用. Polo shirts must be kept in good condition and cannot have any rips or tears. 


绿色 or gray school approved uniform sweatshirts may be worn with long or short sleeve polo shirt. All crew necks and quarter-zips must be purchased in the Lake Catholic 精神商店.  

可以穿学校认可的绿色或灰色毛衣. 毛衣必须在湖天主教精神商店购买. A Lake Catholic white, 绿色, or gray shirt must be worn under the sweater. 

Students are permitted to wear their choice of appropriate footwear in suitable, clean condition. 

Flip flops, crocs, 拖鞋, and other loud or outrageous shoes are not allowed. 


Solid colo红色的 socks must be worn in a suitable color, limited to 绿色, grey, black, or white. 

School administration has authority to determine what constitutes loud or outrageous footwear.  



紧身裤和打底裤的颜色和图案必须一致, 必须是实心的, 无孔的无孔或无薄纱的.  


Earrings may only be worn in the ear, no more than three earrings per ear. 


不允许:过多的手镯和项链, 流行发型和颜色(蓝色), 紫色的, 粉红色的, 绿色, 橙色, 红色的, 等.).




穿纯卡其色(棕褐色)长裤. 必须正确佩戴腰带. 裤子 must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. 带标志的裤子, 补丁的口袋, 后口袋铆钉, designs of any kind are not permitted. 禁止穿灯芯绒、工装裤、慢跑裤和牛仔裤.

绿色长袖或短袖马球衫, 灰色或白色, 带有湖天主教标志的. 


衬衫一定要塞进去. 尺寸过小和过大的马球禁止使用. Polo shirts must be kept in good condition and cannot have any rips or tears. 


领带要搭配大众服装 (领带或领结).

绿色 or gray school-approved uniform sweatshirts may be worn with long or short sleeve polo shirt. All crew necks and quarter-zips must be purchased in the Lake Catholic 精神商店.

可以穿学校认可的绿色或灰色毛衣. 毛衣必须在湖天主教精神商店购买. A Lake Catholic white, 绿色, or gray shirt must be worn under the sweater

Students are permitted to wear their choice of appropriate footwear in suitable, clean condition. Flip flops, crocs, shoes with wheels/lights and other loud or outrageous shoes are not allowed. 不允许穿露趾鞋. Solid colo红色的 socks must be worn in a suitable color, limited to 绿色, gray, black, or white. School administration has authority to determine what constitutes loud or outrageous footwear.

面部毛发必须随时保持和保养. Hair is not to extend below the top of the collar and may not cover the eyes or ears. 


不允许:时尚发型, 不自然的颜色(蓝色), 紫色的, 粉红色的, 绿色, 橙色, 红色的, 等)马尾辫, 摩霍克族, 成了仿莫霍克发型, 过多的雕刻或部分. 





裙子, Lake Catholic approved Glen plaid skirt (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee) purchased through Schoolbelles. 不允许穿尺寸过小和过大的裙子.
衬衫, Short- or long-sleeve white Oxford style button down dress shirt/blouse. 衬衫/blouses must be tucked in and are not to have more than two buttons unbuttoned. 尺码过小或过大的正装衬衫/衬衫是禁止的. 普通的白色t恤可以穿在制服衬衫里面. However, the sleeve length of the undershirt must match the sleeve length of the uniform shirt.
鞋子/袜子, 允许穿合适的皮鞋或麂皮皮鞋. 鞋子必须是棕色、黑色、灰色或白色的. 高跟鞋, 松糕鞋, 鹿皮软鞋, 凉鞋, 拖鞋, 不允许穿任何类型的运动鞋和靴子. 正装鞋必须干净并擦亮. 绿色, gray, black, or white opaque plain tights must be worn with the skirt.

裤子- 应穿卡其色(棕褐色)长裤. 腰带要和裤子系在一起. 裤子 must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. 带标志的裤子, 补丁的口袋, 后口袋铆钉, 不允许任何形式的设计或循环. 禁止穿灯芯绒、工装裤、慢跑裤和牛仔裤.
衬衫, 长袖或短袖白色牛津风格衬衫. 上学期间,衬衫必须收好并扣好扣子. 尺码过小和过大的正装衬衫是禁止的. 普通的白色t恤可以穿在制服衬衫里面. However, the sleeve length of the undershirt must match the sleeve length of the uniform shirt.
关系- - - - - - Neck ties or bow ties are to be worn properly with a white Oxford dress shirt. 
鞋子/袜子, 允许穿合适的皮鞋或麂皮皮鞋. 鞋子必须是棕色、黑色、灰色或白色的. 建设的鞋子, 鹿皮软鞋, 凉鞋, 拖鞋, 不允许穿任何类型的运动鞋和靴子. Dress shoes are to be clean and/or polished and must be worn with plain socks (at least 2 in above the ankle).  


Approved Lake Catholic spirit wear purchased in the Lake Catholic 精神商店. 湖天主教认可的球队或俱乐部球衣可以接受. A Lake Catholic shirt/sweatshirt/sweater must be worn on Spirit dress down days. 不允许穿露腰或露出腰部的短裙.

牛仔裤, 运动裤, 风的裤子, 七分裤(膝盖以下), 卡其裤, corduroys and cargos without holes and in good condition are acceptable. 短裤和裙子都不允许穿. 所有的裤子必须适合学校的环境.


如果你没有精神,穿便装, 你必须去精神商店, 以你为代价, 购买合适的服装.


The Lake Catholic uniform must always be worn in a manner that is appropriate for a school environment. 制服的所有部分都需要处于良好状态. All frayed cuffs, split seems, writing, markings and holes in the uniform are unacceptable.


发现你自己,你的信仰,你的未来,你的目标. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.